Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone from Paris…the city of love, Valentine's-colored wine, and completely frigid weather. And of course, thank you to my Senator who enjoyed his own bottle today satellite-Valentine's-style in sunny southern California.
Then: At 5:30 a.m. on a Tuesday, I was rattled from my sleep with an idea. The sit-up-straight-out-of-bed kind of idea. Instead of setting up shop at one French cooking school, what if I hopped around the European continent and sampled from a variety of courses in different cities and countries? That's how Culinary Hopscotch was born. Follow me on an epicurean tour of cooking schools in countries around
Now: We live in Portland, a culinary capital in its own right. I man the stove chez nous and plan our meals weekly on a colorful pad from Anthropologie. Things have changed a bit from the old school days of Culinary Hopscotch, but it makes sense (to me) to keep it alive. Look for posts on restaurants we visit, culinary happenings in the news, what's on the menu in our kitchen, and more!
I’m Kyle, a 2002 graduate of UC Santa Barbara with a degree in English and Art History. My studies also include time at
After working in various capacities, most recently as a college counselor, I began to come to grips with the fact that I’m turning a certain age soon. Without much tying me down right now, I made the decision to quit my job and initiate “Project Culinary Hopscotch” in 2010.
Chew on that- while you are, I’ll be on a European cooking school binge as I continue to develop recipes and stories for my cookbook. I hope to turn this blog into my cookbook, and the cookbook into a show on The Food Network someday. A girl can dream, right?
Contact: culinaryhopscotch@gmail.com
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